Inspections and Certification
Inspections and Certification - Arkopharma
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Ecocert inspects and certifies products, systems and services as per public or private standards. Before issuing the certification document that attests to compliance with the standard, Ecocert engineers and technicians implement a strict certification process: audit of the production methods and quality systems, administrative and accounting checks, site inspections, risk analysis and sampling.

ECOCERT Technical Standard

Ecocert has created a technical standard, ESR (Fair Trade, Solidarity and Responsibility), defining the requirements on fair trade products and the commitment of organizations to an ethical approach, respectful of humans and the environment.

This standard defines the criteria that enable consumers and partners of the supply chain to guarantee that an organic product comes from inspected ESR (Fair Trade, Solidarity and Responsibility) supply chains. It also determines the main principles enabling companies to position themselves with respect to their commitments to society and the environment, to reinforce the benefits of fair trade in the eyes of consumers.

Standard guarantees

  • Fair trading in a sustainable development approach.
  • Production and processing that respects the environment and is socially responsible.
  • Clear and transparent consumer information.

ESR standard requirements and basics

  • Organic nature of the product and formulation rules,
  • Balance of the relationship between the partners,
  • The company's environmental responsibility.