Plants & anti-stress active ingredients
Plantes & actifs anti-stress
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Breathe in, breathe out... There is no shortage of stressful everyday situations, whether for example before an important meeting or in an examination period. There are plants which can help you distance yourself from this sometimes overly “clingy” companion: stress.

Active ingredients to better resist stress

Eleuthérocoque - Plantes & actifs anti-stress - Arkorelax®
Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus)

Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) is a spiny bush common in Eastern Siberia. The Siberian ginseng root is used traditionally as a tonic and fortifier to combat fatigue, reduced performance and ability to concentrate. Some studies have even stated that the effects of Siberian ginseng were superior to those of ginseng.

Siberian ginseng is an adaptogenic plant which promotes emotional and physical well-being and intellectual performance.


Rhodiola - Plantes & actifs anti-stress - Arkorelax®
Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea)

Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) has a strong presence in the Arctic regions and the mountainous areas of Europe and Asia. Rhodiola was used particularly used by the Vikings, who discovered it in Iceland, to increase their physical strength and their endurance. It was considered a magical plant, hence the saying: “Men who use the pink root will stay strong for two hundred years”. It is a popular plant in Eastern Europe and in Asia for its capacity to stimulate the nervous system, to improve performance at work and to reduce fatigue, especially caused by overwork.

The rhodiola is an adaptogenic plant which helps to stave off exhaustion and to stimulate physical and mental performance.


Magnésium - Plantes & actifs anti-stress - Arkorelax®

Magnesium (Mg) is a cofactor of more than 300 enzyme systems. It plays an important role in the metabolism of the human body where it contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and to good muscle function.

Magnesium helps to reduce fatigue especially in periods of overwork and to maintain good psychological function.


Vitamine B6 - Plantes & actifs anti-stress - Arkorelax®
Vitamin B6  

The efficacy of vitamin B6 is recognised at European level, where a causal link has been established between vitamin B6 intake and a reduction in fatigue, good nervous system balance and a contribution to the maintenance of good psychological function.

Vitamin B6 helps to reduce fatigue, especially in periods of overwork and to maintain good psychological function.


Benefit of adaptogenic plants

What is an adaptogenic plant?

Etymologically, the term adaptogenic comes from the Latin “adaptare” which means to adjust, adapt and from the Greek “gen” expressing the phrase “produced by”. An adaptogenic plant allows better management of stressful situations by increasing physical and mental resistance. The body becomes more resistant to biological, emotional and environmental stress factors.

Why combine the use of adaptogenic plants with magnesium and vitamin B6?

The combination of adaptogenic plants such as Siberian ginseng and Rhodiola with Magnesium breaks this negative stress circle and helps us manage stress better to restore well-being and calmness.

adaptogenic plants with magnesium and vitamin B6